Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Advantages of Being Firstborn

Melinda Schroeder
English 101

Thesis: This essay is about the many famous people, owners of companies, and Presidents that were first born children. The research will prove that there are advantages of being firstborn. There has to be a connection as to why so many of the amazing leaders are first born children.  There has been scientific research about this topic and how it can determine a person's success. Does the order in which a person is born in a family really impact their whole life?

I. Characteristics of firstborn children
        A. Natural born leaders
            1. Presidents
            2. Astronauts
        B. Reliable
            1. Caretakers
        C. Goal minded
        D. Responsible and competitive
        E. Successful
            1. CEO's
            2. Multiple degrees
            3. Higher IQ's
II. Characteristics of middle children
         A. Sociable
         B. Good negotiators
         C. Peace keepers
         D. Loyal
III. Characteristics of the youngest
         A. Love attention
         B. Creative
         C. Tend to be rebellious
IV. “The Birth Order Book”
        A. Personality traits
        B. “Why you are the way you are”
        C. Famous people
V. The Atlantic
        A. Vague personality traits
        B. No effect on personality

In conclusion it seems very logical that people would act a certain way and have predictable character traits because of their birth order. Of course there are exceptions and not everyone will be like the typical oldest, middle or youngest child.  However, the majority of people have certain personality traits because of the order of their birth.  When people understand what character traits they possess they will be able to utilize the information and expound on their strengths and work on their weaknesses.

Works Cited
Tirado, Bernardo. “Birth Order in the Workplace”. www.psychologytoday.com.
Psychology Today. Post. 26 Sep. 2011. Web. 19 Nov. 2016.
Fox25. “Research shows first born children garner most success”.   www.fox25boston.com.       Post. 19 Nov. 2013. Web. 19 Nov. 2016.
Bucklan, Erinn. “How Birth Order Predicts Your Success”. www.dailyworth.com.
Daily Worth. Post. 16 Feb. 2015. Web. 18 Nov. 2016.
Leman, Kevin. Birth Order Book: Why You Are the Way You Are. Grand Rapids, Mich.:             Revell. 1985.
Beck, Julie. “Birth Order Is Basically Meaningless”. www.theatlantic.com. The Atlantic. 

            Post. 21 Oct. 2015. Web. 18 Nov. 2016. 

I commented on Eve's and Kaylin's blogs.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Blog Post #4

Shelby Kluver
Melinda Schroder
English 101
Blog Post #4

My purpose is that I wanted to show people that there is a difference between Disney World and Disneyland. Some people want to think that they are the same, but they are not. I chose this topic because I love Disney World. I grew up only a couple of hours from there and have many fantastic memories of all of my magical time that I have spent there.
 Venn Diagram Image
I commented on Hannah's and Makayla's blogs.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Blog Post #3: Summary and Choice of Analysis

Shelby Kluver
Melinda Schroder
English 101
Fish Cheeks
The author’s main point is to convey how challenging it is to be different, especially coming from a foreign culture. Amy needed to learn that it matters what is on the inside.  She used a humiliating memory to illustrate how awkward life can be for a teenager. The purpose is to inform foreign girls that being different is good and that there is no need to be embarrassed about where you are from.

Superman and Me
The main point is for Sherman to show people what it is like growing up as an Indian on a Reservation, without a chance. He loved to read, but his parents could not afford very much. He started at a young age and would read anything with words on it. He had no expectations put on him and he saw that this is the problem on the Reservation. The purpose is that Sherman does not want other kids to grow up acting like they do not know anything. He wants them to try and to learn to read and write. He is trying to change the way of the Indians to save their lives.

I am choosing Fish Cheeks for my analysis essay. This text really caught my attention and I could really envision the uncomfortableness of the evening. As a teenage girl there were so many illustrations that I could relate to. I also think it is very important that we embrace our different cultures.  

Works Cited
Tan, Amy. “Fish Cheeks.” The Bedford Reader. Ed. X. J. Kennedy et al. 12th ed. Boston: Bedford, 2014. 110-111. Print.

Alexie, Sherman. “Superman and Me.” The Bedford Reader. Ed. X. J. Kennedy et al. 12th ed. Boston: Bedford, 2014. 582-585. Print.

I commented on Hannah's and Andrea's blogs.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Blog Post #2

Shelby Kluver
Melinda Schroder
English 101
Blog Post 2
My favorite place

The sun is blindingly bright and scorching to your skin. You can feel a light, warm, gentle breeze, and the water feels like a Jacuzzi. The smell of the salt air, sun block, and someone barbecuing are all delightful to your senses. You get to listen to the waves crashing on the shore, people playing in the water or maybe a game of volleyball.  It is always fun to hear the seagulls fighting over food especially when they sound like they are saying, “mine, mine, mine” from “Finding Nemo”. The warm sand on your skin is soothing and feels pleasant until you get wet and then it just sticks to all of you. Watching people fly kites or play Frisbee is fun and entertaining. When you get in the water and just lay on your back, let the waves rock you back and forth like a baby in a cradle and dream away.

I commented on Andrea Fergusson's and Emma Anderson's blogs.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Blog Post #1

Shelby Kluver
Melinda Schroder
English 101
Blog Post 1
This essay is about what motivates people to be dishonest. We like to believe that most people, if given the opportunity would be honest. Dan Ariely and his colleagues did a test called the Matrix Task, which placed people in several scenarios to see if they would tell the truth. He hired an actor to stand up during the middle of the class and say he finished everything and got everything right, and that tempted many of the participants to lie and say they had more correct then they did. When test subjects were offered more money for correct answers, they actually cheated less. Another test was that he asked one group to name the Ten Commandments and the other group to name ten books they read in high school. There was no cheating for the naming of the Ten Commandments. These different tests helped Dan and his colleagues to determine that there are many factors involved when people cheat.
Paragraph 10
We have to answer the question what makes people cheat more or less, because we know that most people cheat, even if it is only by a little.

Important Point
“Everybody has the capacity to be dishonest, and almost everybody cheats- just by a little. It has shown rather conclusively that cheating does not correspond to the traditional, rational model of human behavior – that is, the idea that people simply weigh the benefits (say, money) against the costs (the possibility of getting caught and punished) and act accordingly.”
Reason I picked this quote
It shows me that even people I think would never cheat could, but it also informs me cheating is not always normal and that is depends on what the incentive is for the person to be honest.
Favorite Point
1. “The purpose of locks, the locksmith said, is to protect you from the 98% of mostly honest people who might be tempted to try your door if it had no lock.”
2.” But locking our doors against the dishonest monsters will not keep them out; they will always cheat their way in.”
Part I disagree with

I did not like the example of the automobile-insurance forms. I did not feel like that was a great illustration because they could not prove if people were really lying or not. I like being able to have all the facts.

I posted on Hannah's and Emma's blog.